Just a quick word for the people who contacted me saying they were having difficulty getting hold of copies of The King of Sunlight after it appeared on A Good Read on Radio 4: I've dug out a box of paperbacks I had and put them up on Amazon marketplace here at some extortionate price (hey, I've got to buy Christmas presents too - and it's considerably cheaper than the nutter who's got a copy up at £1,219.99). If you buy one and email me using the button on my website I'll scribble whatever you want inside it...
1 comment:
Thought you might like this; Remember the Sun's misjudging of the Colin Stagg story, which became evident when they opened it up to online comments? The Daily Mail have gone one better; They're letting people vote for or against the comments made. You can click a green thumbs-up for comments you like, or a red thumbs-down for those you don't.
So in the latest penis-in-a-teacup moral outrage over John Barrowman's Radio 1 appearance, it was quite a relief to see that comments agreeing with the Mail's outrage have been hammered down with big red negative scores, whilst those pointing out that this is all a bit silly get big green positives.
I give this new gimmick about two days...
PS Apologies if the Eye have already covered this - My subscription lapsed a few weeks ago and I've been too lazy to renew. I'm getting round to it, honest. I'll go and do it now. Really.
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