The next time they visited, Granny had made him a wee kilt, "so he's decent."
I tell you this story to demonstrate that they'll take offence at some peculiar things up there in Scotland if you give them the chance to. And then I offer you this one from today's Daily Record, which might manage the unlikely feat of making you feel a bit sorry for Hardeep Singh Kohli.
"One angry mother said: 'This man's a disgrace... his mind operates like a sewer. The thought processes involved in coming up with 'Bagpussy' or 'Randy Pandy' are bad enough. To then publish it on a popular website beggars belief, given the pickle he's already made for himself."
Let's club together and get that angry mother some kind of award for protecting the public morals. Preferably one shaped like a big hairy cock.
Ah, those Wee Free types, gotta love em...
Not bad for the second most talented of the Kholi brothers.
The headline also implies that Kohli was joking about the porn names of actual children as opposed to children's television characters. Slightly deciteful of the Daily Record sub.
Nah, it's still not making me feel sorry for Hardeep Singh Kohli.
It was when the Record got him to text her an apology that things began to spin out of control.
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