Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Slight return

So, Gordon, when you do this interview with the BBC about reform of the banking system, we need a soundbite that will really emphasise that we're looking forwards and moving on from the mistakes of the past. A phrase without any, you know, bad echoes or associations in people's minds. Do you think you can manage that? Yes? Good. Go ahead, Prime Minister.

"Ahem. There can be no return to business as usual."


... Bust.


Bangkok Expat Mama said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Broon screwed up...again. So when are you going to entertain the anoraks amongst your readers (comme moi) with a new post over at the "History of Private Eye" blog? I wanna see more artifacts from the cellar and the files!

Adam Macqueen said...

When I can tear myself away from transcribing interviews with Barry Fantoni, Peter Cook's sister and various others for long enough to moderate some of the 500+ spam comments that have built up there. Although I have spent a pleasant morning filing a number of unpublished cartoons and photos. But these ones are far too good for a blog and will only be appearing in the book itself...

Adam Macqueen said...

Oh, alright, you persuaded me. There's something on there now. Knock yourself out...

Bangkok Expat Mama said...

Here I was, feeling bad about hectoring the busy hack...and then I took a peek over there -- awesome! Thanks!